Gentle Hands-On Treatment
Osteopathy was founded by an Amercan medical doctor, Andrew Taylor Still, in 1874. He had the belief that the body had its own "pharmacy" in order to heal itself. Manual osteopaths recognize the body's innate ability to self-regulate and having the ability to heal itself when presented in proper alignment.
Manual osteopathic treatment works to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and circulation of body fluids. Manual osteopaths consider the body as an integrated functional unit. Changes in the structure of any body part can lead to abnormal function.
Rather than putting focus on the symptoms, manual osteopaths look at the underlying cause of dysfunction in order to restore structural and functional integrity.
Manual osteopathy is a system of assessment and treatment that focuses on restoring proper movement and function to the entire body. It is a gentle hands-on therapy that takes tension off muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, fascia and organs allowing proper communication of nerves, arteries, veins and lymphatics.
Tamiko Feran’s manual osteopathic services are currently covered by all extended health care companies, excluding Industrial Alliance and RWAM.
Tamiko is a Certified Manual Osteopath with the Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals and the Ontario Council of Drugless Osteopathy. She is also a Registered Kinesiologist with the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario. Tamiko studied Kinesiology at Queens University, graduating in 2015. She then went on to complete her Diploma in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory and Practice at the Osteopathic College of Ontario. This was an exentisve 4 year program, which included clinical rotations and a thesis.
Since completing her manual osteopathy diploma, she has completed courses in Primal Reflex Release Technique and Microcurrent Point Stimulation (Dolphin Stim). She is currently enrolled in the Master Clinician Certification in Integrative Osteopathy.
Tamiko believes in the importance of total health. This not only meaning the absence of disease or illness but being in a state of complete physical, mental and social well being.

Lakview Health and Wellness
158 Casimir Street, Suite 100, Port Perry, ON, L9L 1B7
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